Welcome to Eastside Kickers Online Registration

Please read below for important information on how to properly register your player.

Eastside Kickers Soccer Club is pleased to offer online registration! Online registration streamlines the registration process by eliminating paper forms and collecting information electronically.

Best of all, if your player has played with Eastside Kickers or any other Ohio North organization in the past, your information is already in the system!  

To register a player, click the
Registration tab above. If your player has played with Eastside Kickers or another Ohio North club previously, you already have a login.  Retrieve your username and password by using the Forgot Password option.  You will need to supply the e-mail address that was initially used to register the player.  If you have previously played with Eastside Kickers or another Ohio North team, and do not log in, you run the risk of creating a duplicate player, resulting in registration delays for your player.

If you have any questions please use the "Tech Support Contact" link on the left lower corner of your screen. You may also call Tech Support at 1.855.980.2886

here for more information about the Eastside Kickers Soccer Club.


 Event, Class, & Camp Registration